Konstantin's gyromagnetic ratio table

This table contains gyromagnetic ratios for stable isotopes and isotopes with a half-life longer than 1 year. The values are taken from the IAEA's table of recommended nuclear magnetic moments and have been converted to gyromagnetic ratios using the 2018 CODATA recommended values for the nuclear magneton and Planck's constant. However, the value for hydrogen has been replaced with the CODATA value. The number in parentheses represents the one-sigma (1σ) uncertainty in the last two digits of the value provided. The values for the natural abundances have been obtained from NIST's atomic weights and isotopic compositions database.

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Z N Element Half-life time Spin Gyromagnetic ratio (MHz/T) Natural abundance NMR frequency
1 1 1HHydrogen stable 1/2 42.577478518(18) 99.989 %
1 2 2DDeuterium stable 1 6.535902854(38) 115 ppm
1 3 3TTritium 12.33 y 1/2 45.41483815(21) -
2 3 3HeHelium stable 1/2 -32.43604456(46) 1 ppm
3 6 6LiLithium stable 1 6.266099(23) 7.59 %
3 7 7LiLithium stable 3/2 16.548177(61) 92.41 %
4 9 9BeBeryllium stable 3/2 -5.983380(25) 100 %
5 10 10BBoron stable 3 4.5747339(20) 19.9 %
5 11 11BBoron stable 3/2 13.6616080(51) 80.1 %
6 13 13CCarbon stable 1/2 10.707746(61) 1.07 %
7 14 14NNitrogen stable 1 3.076273(15) 99.64 %
7 15 15NNitrogen stable 1/2 -4.315255(21) 0.36 %
8 17 17OOxygen stable 5/2 -5.773483(30) 379 ppm
9 19 19FFluorine stable 1/2 40.069244(61) 100 %
10 21 21NeNeon stable 3/2 -3.36258(15) 0.27 %
11 22 22NaSodium 2.60 y 3 4.4363(76) -
11 23 23NaSodium stable 3/2 11.26873(15) 100 %
12 25 25MgMagnesium stable 5/2 -2.607933(91) 10.00 %
13 26 26AlAluminium 7·105 y 5 4.2732(61) -
13 27 27AlAluminium stable 5/2 11.100630(61) 100 %
14 29 29SiSilicon stable 1/2 -8.461871(46) 4.685 %
15 31 31PPhosphorus stable 1/2 17.241162(76) 100 %
16 33 33SSulfur stable 3/2 3.26882(10) 0.75 %
17 35 35ClChlorine stable 3/2 4.17566(10) 75.8 %
17 36 36ClChlorine 3.0·105 y 2 4.8971(11) -
17 37 37ClChlorine stable 3/2 3.475903(51) 24.2 %
18 39 39ArArgon 269 y 7/2 -3.463(33) -
19 39 39KPotassium stable 3/2 1.989344(41) 93.258 %
19 40 40KPotassium 1.25·109 y 4 -2.473474(57) 117 ppm
19 41 41KPotassium stable 3/2 1.091921(25) 6.730 %
20 41 41CaCalcium 1.0·105 y 7/2 -3.47248(15) -
20 43 43CaCalcium stable 7/2 -2.86899(13) 0.14 %
21 45 45ScScandium stable 7/2 10.35366(17) 100 %
22 47 47TiTitanium stable 5/2 -2.40307(34) 7.44 %
22 49 49TiTitanium stable 7/2 -2.40373(30) 5.41 %
23 50 50VVanadium 1.4·1017 y 6 4.24858(51) 0.250 %
23 51 51VVanadium stable 7/2 11.2083(15) 99.750 %
24 53 53CrChromium stable 3/2 -2.41031(36) 9.50 %
25 53 53MnManganese 3.7·106 y 7/2 10.961(11) -
25 55 55MnManganese stable 5/2 10.5707(18) 100 %
26 57 57FeIron stable 1/2 1.3818(11) 2.12 %
27 59 59CoCobalt stable 7/2 10.051(54) 100 %
27 60 60CoCobalt 5.271 y 5 5.792(12) -
28 61 61NiNickel stable 3/2 -3.80952(25) 1.140 %
28 63 63NiNickel 101 y 1/2 7.562(76) -
29 63 63CuCopper stable 3/2 11.3114(20) 69.2 %
29 65 65CuCopper stable 3/2 12.1169(20) 30.9 %
30 67 67ZnZinc stable 5/2 2.66745(49) 4.0 %
31 69 69GaGallium stable 3/2 10.23979(30) 60.108 %
31 71 71GaGallium stable 3/2 13.01090(46) 39.892 %
32 73 73GeGermanium stable 9/2 -1.487659(85) 7.8 %
33 75 75AsArsenic stable 3/2 7.3091(15) 100 %
34 77 77SeSelenium stable 1/2 8.13422(76) 7.6 %
34 79 79SeSelenium 3.3·105 y 7/2 -2.217(33) -
35 79 79BrBromine stable 3/2 10.6950(30) 50.69 %
35 81 81BrBromine stable 3/2 11.5284(30) 49.31 %
36 81 81KrKrypton 2.3·105 y 7/2 -1.9753(44) -
36 83 83KrKrypton stable 9/2 -1.6443289(51) 11.50 %
36 85 85KrKrypton 10.74 y 9/2 -1.70323(68) -
37 85 85RbRubidium stable 5/2 4.12553(12) 72.17 %
37 87 87RbRubidium 5.0·1010 y 3/2 13.98131(41) 27.83 %
38 87 87SrStrontium stable 9/2 -1.85171(19) 7.00 %
39 89 89YYttrium stable 1/2 -2.093134(76) 100 %
40 91 91ZrZirconium stable 5/2 -3.9705(12) 11.22 %
41 91 91NbNiobium 680 y 9/2 11.0324(51) -
41 92 92NbNiobium 3.5·107 y 7 5.5863(44) -
41 93 93NbNiobium stable 9/2 10.4396(34) 100 %
42 95 95MoMolybdenum stable 5/2 -2.78438(91) 15.8 %
42 97 97MoMolybdenum stable 5/2 -2.84292(91) 9.6 %
43 97 97TcTechnetium 4.2·106 y 9/2 9.86(15) -
43 99 99TcTechnetium 2.1·105 y 9/2 9.6180(34) -
44 99 99RuRuthenium stable 5/2 -1.954(15) 12.8 %
44 101 101RuRuthenium stable 5/2 -2.189(18) 17.06 %
45 103 103RhRhodium stable 1/2 -1.34600(46) 100 %
46 105 105PdPalladium stable 5/2 -1.9575(91) 22.33 %
47 107 107AgSilver stable 1/2 -1.73063(76) 51.839 %
47 109 109AgSilver stable 1/2 1.98965(76) 48.161 %
48 111 111CdCadmium stable 1/2 -9.0556(46) 12.8 %
48 113 113CdCadmium 8·1015 y 1/2 -9.4718(46) 12.2 %
49 113 113InIndium stable 9/2 9.35174(68) 4.29 %
49 115 115InIndium 4.4·1014 y 9/2 9.37172(68) 95.71 %
50 115 115SnTin stable 1/2 -13.9859(61) 0.34 %
50 117 117SnTin stable 1/2 -15.2376(76) 7.68 %
50 119 119SnTin stable 1/2 -15.9449(76) 8.59 %
50 121 121SnTin 27.0 y 3/2 3.5415(56) -
51 121 121SbAntimony stable 5/2 10.2387(49) 57.21 %
51 123 123SbAntimony stable 7/2 5.5442(26) 42.79 %
51 125 125SbAntimony 2.76 y 7/2 5.728(87) -
52 123 123TeTellurium > 9·1016 y 1/2 -11.2174(46) 0.89 %
52 125 125TeTellurium stable 1/2 -13.5225(76) 7.1 %
53 127 127IIodine stable 5/2 8.5638(43) 100 %
53 129 129IIodine 1.57·107 y 7/2 5.6984(30) -
54 129 129XeXenon stable 1/2 -11.86016(24) 26.401 %
54 131 131XeXenon stable 3/2 3.515769(36) 21.232 %
55 133 133CsCaesium stable 7/2 5.6141(30) 100 %
55 134 134CsCaesium 2.06 y 4 5.6966(27) -
55 135 135CsCaesium 2.3·106 y 7/2 5.9419(28) -
55 137 137CsCaesium 30.1 y 7/2 6.1795(30) -
56 133 133BaBarium 10.55 y 1/2 11.7678(30) -
56 135 135BaBarium stable 3/2 4.2590(10) 6.59 %
56 137 137BaBarium stable 3/2 4.7641(10) 11.23 %
57 137 137LaLanthanum 6·104 y 7/2 5.872(13) -
57 138 138LaLanthanum 1.0·1011 y 5 5.65352(30) 888 ppm
57 139 139LaLanthanum stable 7/2 6.05256(44) 99.9112 %
59 141 141PrPraseodymium stable 5/2 13.0072(91) 100 %
60 143 143NdNeodymium stable 7/2 -2.319(11) 12.17 %
60 145 145NdNeodymium stable 7/2 -1.4287(87) 8.29 %
61 145 145PmPromethium 17.7 y 5/2 11.59(49) -
61 147 147PmPromethium 2.623 y 7/2 5.62(15) -
62 147 147SmSamarium 1.1 ·M 1011 y 7/2 -1.7619(30) 15.0 %
62 149 149SmSamarium stable 7/2 -1.4542(24) 13.82 %
62 151 151SmSamarium 90 y 5/2 -1.0992(18) -
63 150 150EuEuropium 36.9 y 5 4.119(17) -
63 151 151EuEuropium >1.7·1018 y 5/2 10.5603(76) 47.81 %
63 152 152EuEuropium 13.52 y 3 -4.9176(43) -
63 153 153EuEuropium stable 5/2 4.6632(34) 52.19 %
63 154 154EuEuropium 8.60 y 3 -5.082(15) -
63 155 155EuEuropium 4.75 y 5/2 4.6223(61) -
64 155 155GdGadolinium stable 3/2 -1.3167(20) 14.8 %
64 157 157GdGadolinium stable 3/2 -1.7268(30) 15.65 %
65 157 157TbTerbium 71 y 3/2 10.32(10) -
65 158 158TbTerbium 180 y 3 4.454(18) -
65 159 159TbTerbium stable 3/2 10.209(20) 100 %
66 161 161DyDysprosium stable 5/2 -1.4605(91) 18.89 %
66 163 163DyDysprosium stable 5/2 2.046(12) 24.90 %
67 163 163HoHolmium 4570 y 7/2 9.191(87) -
67 165 165HoHolmium stable 7/2 9.060(65) 100 %
67 166 166HoHolmium 1200 y 7 3.942(65) -
68 167 167ErErbium stable 7/2 -1.22462(87) 22.869 %
69 169 169TmThulium stable 1/2 -3.522(23) 100 %
69 171 171TmThulium 1.92 y 1/2 -3.506(61) -
70 171 171YbYtterbium stable 1/2 7.5052(61) 14.1 %
70 173 173YbYtterbium stable 5/2 -2.0672(18) 16.10 %
71 173 173LuLutetium 1.37 y 7/2 4.9503(44) -
71 174 174LuLutetium 3.31 y 1 15.108(38) -
71 175 175LuLutetium stable 7/2 4.8473(41) 97.40 %
71 176 176LuLutetium 3.76·1010 y 7 3.4411(54) 2.60 %
72 177 177HfHafnium stable 7/2 1.7227(20) 18.60 %
72 179 179HfHafnium stable 9/2 -1.0822(24) 13.62 %
73 179 179TaTantalum 1.82 y 7/2 4.979(13) -
73 180 180TaTantalum > 7.1·1015 y 9 4.077(10) 120 ppm
73 181 181TaTantalum stable 7/2 5.1507(87) 99.9880 %
74 183 183WTungsten > 6.7·1020 y 1/2 1.7896(17) 14.31 %
75 185 185ReRhenium stable 5/2 9.6837(91) 37.40 %
75 187 187ReRhenium 4.3·1010 y 5/2 9.7844(91) 62.60 %
76 187 187OsOsmium stable 1/2 0.9821(11) 1.96 %
76 189 189OsOsmium stable 3/2 3.3417(36) 16.15 %
77 191 191IrIridium stable 3/2 0.7633(30) 37.3 %
77 193 193IrIridium stable 3/2 0.8283(30) 62.7 %
78 193 193PtPlatinum 50 y 1/2 9.16(12) -
78 195 195PtPlatinum stable 1/2 9.258(11) 33.8 %
79 197 197AuGold stable 3/2 0.7379(10) 100 %
80 199 199HgMercury stable 1/2 7.6820(91) 16.9 %
80 201 201HgMercury stable 3/2 -2.8356(36) 13.18 %
81 203 203TlThallium stable 1/2 24.636(30) 29.52 %
81 204 204TlThallium 3.78 y 2 0.343(38) -
81 205 205TlThallium stable 1/2 24.880(30) 70.48 %
82 205 205PbLead 1.73·107 y 5/2 2.1630(18) -
82 207 207PbLead stable 1/2 9.0038(61) 22.1 %
83 207 207BiBismuth 31.6 y 9/2 6.8991(34) -
83 208 208BiBismuth 3.7·105 y 5 6.970(15) -
83 209 209BiBismuth 2.0·1019 y 9/2 6.9315(34) 100 %
84 209 209PoPolonium 124 y 1/2 10.4(1.2) -
89 227 227AcActinium 21.77 y 3/2 6.20(86) -
90 229 229ThThorium 7880 y 5/2 1.40(12) -
91 231 231PaProtactinium 3.3·104 y 3/2 10.11(10) 100 %
92 233 233UUranium 1.6·105 y 5/2 -1.80(15) -
92 235 235UUranium 7.0·108 y 7/2 -0.828(65) 0.7204 %
93 237 237NpNeptunium 2.1·106 y 5/2 9.63(30) -
94 239 239PuPlutonium 24.11·103 y 1/2 3.080(61) -
94 241 241PuPlutonium 14.3 y 5/2 -2.067(43) -
95 241 241AmAmericium 432.6 y 5/2 4.878(30) -
95 243 243AmAmericium 7364 y 5/2 4.635(30) -
96 243 243CmCurium 29.1 y 5/2 1.22(24) -
96 245 245CmCurium 8423 y 7/2 1.09(22) -
96 247 247CmCurium 1.56·107 y 9/2 0.61(12) -