This table contains gyromagnetic ratios for stable isotopes and isotopes with a half-life longer than 1 year. The values are taken from the IAEA's table of recommended nuclear magnetic moments and have been converted to gyromagnetic ratios using the 2018 CODATA recommended values for the nuclear magneton and Planck's constant. However, the value for hydrogen has been replaced with the CODATA value. The number in parentheses represents the one-sigma (1σ) uncertainty in the last two digits of the value provided. The values for the natural abundances have been obtained from NIST's atomic weights and isotopic compositions database.
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Z | N | Element | Half-life time | Spin | Gyromagnetic ratio (MHz/T) | Natural abundance | NMR frequency |
1 | 1 | 1HHydrogen | stable | 1/2 | 42.577478518(18) | 99.989 % | |
1 | 2 | 2DDeuterium | stable | 1 | 6.535902854(38) | 115 ppm | |
1 | 3 | 3TTritium | 12.33 y | 1/2 | 45.41483815(21) | - | |
2 | 3 | 3HeHelium | stable | 1/2 | -32.43604456(46) | 1 ppm | |
3 | 6 | 6LiLithium | stable | 1 | 6.266099(23) | 7.59 % | |
3 | 7 | 7LiLithium | stable | 3/2 | 16.548177(61) | 92.41 % | |
4 | 9 | 9BeBeryllium | stable | 3/2 | -5.983380(25) | 100 % | |
5 | 10 | 10BBoron | stable | 3 | 4.5747339(20) | 19.9 % | |
5 | 11 | 11BBoron | stable | 3/2 | 13.6616080(51) | 80.1 % | |
6 | 13 | 13CCarbon | stable | 1/2 | 10.707746(61) | 1.07 % | |
7 | 14 | 14NNitrogen | stable | 1 | 3.076273(15) | 99.64 % | |
7 | 15 | 15NNitrogen | stable | 1/2 | -4.315255(21) | 0.36 % | |
8 | 17 | 17OOxygen | stable | 5/2 | -5.773483(30) | 379 ppm | |
9 | 19 | 19FFluorine | stable | 1/2 | 40.069244(61) | 100 % | |
10 | 21 | 21NeNeon | stable | 3/2 | -3.36258(15) | 0.27 % | |
11 | 22 | 22NaSodium | 2.60 y | 3 | 4.4363(76) | - | |
11 | 23 | 23NaSodium | stable | 3/2 | 11.26873(15) | 100 % | |
12 | 25 | 25MgMagnesium | stable | 5/2 | -2.607933(91) | 10.00 % | |
13 | 26 | 26AlAluminium | 7·105 y | 5 | 4.2732(61) | - | |
13 | 27 | 27AlAluminium | stable | 5/2 | 11.100630(61) | 100 % | |
14 | 29 | 29SiSilicon | stable | 1/2 | -8.461871(46) | 4.685 % | |
15 | 31 | 31PPhosphorus | stable | 1/2 | 17.241162(76) | 100 % | |
16 | 33 | 33SSulfur | stable | 3/2 | 3.26882(10) | 0.75 % | |
17 | 35 | 35ClChlorine | stable | 3/2 | 4.17566(10) | 75.8 % | |
17 | 36 | 36ClChlorine | 3.0·105 y | 2 | 4.8971(11) | - | |
17 | 37 | 37ClChlorine | stable | 3/2 | 3.475903(51) | 24.2 % | |
18 | 39 | 39ArArgon | 269 y | 7/2 | -3.463(33) | - | |
19 | 39 | 39KPotassium | stable | 3/2 | 1.989344(41) | 93.258 % | |
19 | 40 | 40KPotassium | 1.25·109 y | 4 | -2.473474(57) | 117 ppm | |
19 | 41 | 41KPotassium | stable | 3/2 | 1.091921(25) | 6.730 % | |
20 | 41 | 41CaCalcium | 1.0·105 y | 7/2 | -3.47248(15) | - | |
20 | 43 | 43CaCalcium | stable | 7/2 | -2.86899(13) | 0.14 % | |
21 | 45 | 45ScScandium | stable | 7/2 | 10.35366(17) | 100 % | |
22 | 47 | 47TiTitanium | stable | 5/2 | -2.40307(34) | 7.44 % | |
22 | 49 | 49TiTitanium | stable | 7/2 | -2.40373(30) | 5.41 % | |
23 | 50 | 50VVanadium | 1.4·1017 y | 6 | 4.24858(51) | 0.250 % | |
23 | 51 | 51VVanadium | stable | 7/2 | 11.2083(15) | 99.750 % | |
24 | 53 | 53CrChromium | stable | 3/2 | -2.41031(36) | 9.50 % | |
25 | 53 | 53MnManganese | 3.7·106 y | 7/2 | 10.961(11) | - | |
25 | 55 | 55MnManganese | stable | 5/2 | 10.5707(18) | 100 % | |
26 | 57 | 57FeIron | stable | 1/2 | 1.3818(11) | 2.12 % | |
27 | 59 | 59CoCobalt | stable | 7/2 | 10.051(54) | 100 % | |
27 | 60 | 60CoCobalt | 5.271 y | 5 | 5.792(12) | - | |
28 | 61 | 61NiNickel | stable | 3/2 | -3.80952(25) | 1.140 % | |
28 | 63 | 63NiNickel | 101 y | 1/2 | 7.562(76) | - | |
29 | 63 | 63CuCopper | stable | 3/2 | 11.3114(20) | 69.2 % | |
29 | 65 | 65CuCopper | stable | 3/2 | 12.1169(20) | 30.9 % | |
30 | 67 | 67ZnZinc | stable | 5/2 | 2.66745(49) | 4.0 % | |
31 | 69 | 69GaGallium | stable | 3/2 | 10.23979(30) | 60.108 % | |
31 | 71 | 71GaGallium | stable | 3/2 | 13.01090(46) | 39.892 % | |
32 | 73 | 73GeGermanium | stable | 9/2 | -1.487659(85) | 7.8 % | |
33 | 75 | 75AsArsenic | stable | 3/2 | 7.3091(15) | 100 % | |
34 | 77 | 77SeSelenium | stable | 1/2 | 8.13422(76) | 7.6 % | |
34 | 79 | 79SeSelenium | 3.3·105 y | 7/2 | -2.217(33) | - | |
35 | 79 | 79BrBromine | stable | 3/2 | 10.6950(30) | 50.69 % | |
35 | 81 | 81BrBromine | stable | 3/2 | 11.5284(30) | 49.31 % | |
36 | 81 | 81KrKrypton | 2.3·105 y | 7/2 | -1.9753(44) | - | |
36 | 83 | 83KrKrypton | stable | 9/2 | -1.6443289(51) | 11.50 % | |
36 | 85 | 85KrKrypton | 10.74 y | 9/2 | -1.70323(68) | - | |
37 | 85 | 85RbRubidium | stable | 5/2 | 4.12553(12) | 72.17 % | |
37 | 87 | 87RbRubidium | 5.0·1010 y | 3/2 | 13.98131(41) | 27.83 % | |
38 | 87 | 87SrStrontium | stable | 9/2 | -1.85171(19) | 7.00 % | |
39 | 89 | 89YYttrium | stable | 1/2 | -2.093134(76) | 100 % | |
40 | 91 | 91ZrZirconium | stable | 5/2 | -3.9705(12) | 11.22 % | |
41 | 91 | 91NbNiobium | 680 y | 9/2 | 11.0324(51) | - | |
41 | 92 | 92NbNiobium | 3.5·107 y | 7 | 5.5863(44) | - | |
41 | 93 | 93NbNiobium | stable | 9/2 | 10.4396(34) | 100 % | |
42 | 95 | 95MoMolybdenum | stable | 5/2 | -2.78438(91) | 15.8 % | |
42 | 97 | 97MoMolybdenum | stable | 5/2 | -2.84292(91) | 9.6 % | |
43 | 97 | 97TcTechnetium | 4.2·106 y | 9/2 | 9.86(15) | - | |
43 | 99 | 99TcTechnetium | 2.1·105 y | 9/2 | 9.6180(34) | - | |
44 | 99 | 99RuRuthenium | stable | 5/2 | -1.954(15) | 12.8 % | |
44 | 101 | 101RuRuthenium | stable | 5/2 | -2.189(18) | 17.06 % | |
45 | 103 | 103RhRhodium | stable | 1/2 | -1.34600(46) | 100 % | |
46 | 105 | 105PdPalladium | stable | 5/2 | -1.9575(91) | 22.33 % | |
47 | 107 | 107AgSilver | stable | 1/2 | -1.73063(76) | 51.839 % | |
47 | 109 | 109AgSilver | stable | 1/2 | 1.98965(76) | 48.161 % | |
48 | 111 | 111CdCadmium | stable | 1/2 | -9.0556(46) | 12.8 % | |
48 | 113 | 113CdCadmium | 8·1015 y | 1/2 | -9.4718(46) | 12.2 % | |
49 | 113 | 113InIndium | stable | 9/2 | 9.35174(68) | 4.29 % | |
49 | 115 | 115InIndium | 4.4·1014 y | 9/2 | 9.37172(68) | 95.71 % | |
50 | 115 | 115SnTin | stable | 1/2 | -13.9859(61) | 0.34 % | |
50 | 117 | 117SnTin | stable | 1/2 | -15.2376(76) | 7.68 % | |
50 | 119 | 119SnTin | stable | 1/2 | -15.9449(76) | 8.59 % | |
50 | 121 | 121SnTin | 27.0 y | 3/2 | 3.5415(56) | - | |
51 | 121 | 121SbAntimony | stable | 5/2 | 10.2387(49) | 57.21 % | |
51 | 123 | 123SbAntimony | stable | 7/2 | 5.5442(26) | 42.79 % | |
51 | 125 | 125SbAntimony | 2.76 y | 7/2 | 5.728(87) | - | |
52 | 123 | 123TeTellurium | > 9·1016 y | 1/2 | -11.2174(46) | 0.89 % | |
52 | 125 | 125TeTellurium | stable | 1/2 | -13.5225(76) | 7.1 % | |
53 | 127 | 127IIodine | stable | 5/2 | 8.5638(43) | 100 % | |
53 | 129 | 129IIodine | 1.57·107 y | 7/2 | 5.6984(30) | - | |
54 | 129 | 129XeXenon | stable | 1/2 | -11.86016(24) | 26.401 % | |
54 | 131 | 131XeXenon | stable | 3/2 | 3.515769(36) | 21.232 % | |
55 | 133 | 133CsCaesium | stable | 7/2 | 5.6141(30) | 100 % | |
55 | 134 | 134CsCaesium | 2.06 y | 4 | 5.6966(27) | - | |
55 | 135 | 135CsCaesium | 2.3·106 y | 7/2 | 5.9419(28) | - | |
55 | 137 | 137CsCaesium | 30.1 y | 7/2 | 6.1795(30) | - | |
56 | 133 | 133BaBarium | 10.55 y | 1/2 | 11.7678(30) | - | |
56 | 135 | 135BaBarium | stable | 3/2 | 4.2590(10) | 6.59 % | |
56 | 137 | 137BaBarium | stable | 3/2 | 4.7641(10) | 11.23 % | |
57 | 137 | 137LaLanthanum | 6·104 y | 7/2 | 5.872(13) | - | |
57 | 138 | 138LaLanthanum | 1.0·1011 y | 5 | 5.65352(30) | 888 ppm | |
57 | 139 | 139LaLanthanum | stable | 7/2 | 6.05256(44) | 99.9112 % | |
59 | 141 | 141PrPraseodymium | stable | 5/2 | 13.0072(91) | 100 % | |
60 | 143 | 143NdNeodymium | stable | 7/2 | -2.319(11) | 12.17 % | |
60 | 145 | 145NdNeodymium | stable | 7/2 | -1.4287(87) | 8.29 % | |
61 | 145 | 145PmPromethium | 17.7 y | 5/2 | 11.59(49) | - | |
61 | 147 | 147PmPromethium | 2.623 y | 7/2 | 5.62(15) | - | |
62 | 147 | 147SmSamarium | 1.1 ·M 1011 y | 7/2 | -1.7619(30) | 15.0 % | |
62 | 149 | 149SmSamarium | stable | 7/2 | -1.4542(24) | 13.82 % | |
62 | 151 | 151SmSamarium | 90 y | 5/2 | -1.0992(18) | - | |
63 | 150 | 150EuEuropium | 36.9 y | 5 | 4.119(17) | - | |
63 | 151 | 151EuEuropium | >1.7·1018 y | 5/2 | 10.5603(76) | 47.81 % | |
63 | 152 | 152EuEuropium | 13.52 y | 3 | -4.9176(43) | - | |
63 | 153 | 153EuEuropium | stable | 5/2 | 4.6632(34) | 52.19 % | |
63 | 154 | 154EuEuropium | 8.60 y | 3 | -5.082(15) | - | |
63 | 155 | 155EuEuropium | 4.75 y | 5/2 | 4.6223(61) | - | |
64 | 155 | 155GdGadolinium | stable | 3/2 | -1.3167(20) | 14.8 % | |
64 | 157 | 157GdGadolinium | stable | 3/2 | -1.7268(30) | 15.65 % | |
65 | 157 | 157TbTerbium | 71 y | 3/2 | 10.32(10) | - | |
65 | 158 | 158TbTerbium | 180 y | 3 | 4.454(18) | - | |
65 | 159 | 159TbTerbium | stable | 3/2 | 10.209(20) | 100 % | |
66 | 161 | 161DyDysprosium | stable | 5/2 | -1.4605(91) | 18.89 % | |
66 | 163 | 163DyDysprosium | stable | 5/2 | 2.046(12) | 24.90 % | |
67 | 163 | 163HoHolmium | 4570 y | 7/2 | 9.191(87) | - | |
67 | 165 | 165HoHolmium | stable | 7/2 | 9.060(65) | 100 % | |
67 | 166 | 166HoHolmium | 1200 y | 7 | 3.942(65) | - | |
68 | 167 | 167ErErbium | stable | 7/2 | -1.22462(87) | 22.869 % | |
69 | 169 | 169TmThulium | stable | 1/2 | -3.522(23) | 100 % | |
69 | 171 | 171TmThulium | 1.92 y | 1/2 | -3.506(61) | - | |
70 | 171 | 171YbYtterbium | stable | 1/2 | 7.5052(61) | 14.1 % | |
70 | 173 | 173YbYtterbium | stable | 5/2 | -2.0672(18) | 16.10 % | |
71 | 173 | 173LuLutetium | 1.37 y | 7/2 | 4.9503(44) | - | |
71 | 174 | 174LuLutetium | 3.31 y | 1 | 15.108(38) | - | |
71 | 175 | 175LuLutetium | stable | 7/2 | 4.8473(41) | 97.40 % | |
71 | 176 | 176LuLutetium | 3.76·1010 y | 7 | 3.4411(54) | 2.60 % | |
72 | 177 | 177HfHafnium | stable | 7/2 | 1.7227(20) | 18.60 % | |
72 | 179 | 179HfHafnium | stable | 9/2 | -1.0822(24) | 13.62 % | |
73 | 179 | 179TaTantalum | 1.82 y | 7/2 | 4.979(13) | - | |
73 | 180 | 180TaTantalum | > 7.1·1015 y | 9 | 4.077(10) | 120 ppm | |
73 | 181 | 181TaTantalum | stable | 7/2 | 5.1507(87) | 99.9880 % | |
74 | 183 | 183WTungsten | > 6.7·1020 y | 1/2 | 1.7896(17) | 14.31 % | |
75 | 185 | 185ReRhenium | stable | 5/2 | 9.6837(91) | 37.40 % | |
75 | 187 | 187ReRhenium | 4.3·1010 y | 5/2 | 9.7844(91) | 62.60 % | |
76 | 187 | 187OsOsmium | stable | 1/2 | 0.9821(11) | 1.96 % | |
76 | 189 | 189OsOsmium | stable | 3/2 | 3.3417(36) | 16.15 % | |
77 | 191 | 191IrIridium | stable | 3/2 | 0.7633(30) | 37.3 % | |
77 | 193 | 193IrIridium | stable | 3/2 | 0.8283(30) | 62.7 % | |
78 | 193 | 193PtPlatinum | 50 y | 1/2 | 9.16(12) | - | |
78 | 195 | 195PtPlatinum | stable | 1/2 | 9.258(11) | 33.8 % | |
79 | 197 | 197AuGold | stable | 3/2 | 0.7379(10) | 100 % | |
80 | 199 | 199HgMercury | stable | 1/2 | 7.6820(91) | 16.9 % | |
80 | 201 | 201HgMercury | stable | 3/2 | -2.8356(36) | 13.18 % | |
81 | 203 | 203TlThallium | stable | 1/2 | 24.636(30) | 29.52 % | |
81 | 204 | 204TlThallium | 3.78 y | 2 | 0.343(38) | - | |
81 | 205 | 205TlThallium | stable | 1/2 | 24.880(30) | 70.48 % | |
82 | 205 | 205PbLead | 1.73·107 y | 5/2 | 2.1630(18) | - | |
82 | 207 | 207PbLead | stable | 1/2 | 9.0038(61) | 22.1 % | |
83 | 207 | 207BiBismuth | 31.6 y | 9/2 | 6.8991(34) | - | |
83 | 208 | 208BiBismuth | 3.7·105 y | 5 | 6.970(15) | - | |
83 | 209 | 209BiBismuth | 2.0·1019 y | 9/2 | 6.9315(34) | 100 % | |
84 | 209 | 209PoPolonium | 124 y | 1/2 | 10.4(1.2) | - | |
89 | 227 | 227AcActinium | 21.77 y | 3/2 | 6.20(86) | - | |
90 | 229 | 229ThThorium | 7880 y | 5/2 | 1.40(12) | - | |
91 | 231 | 231PaProtactinium | 3.3·104 y | 3/2 | 10.11(10) | 100 % | |
92 | 233 | 233UUranium | 1.6·105 y | 5/2 | -1.80(15) | - | |
92 | 235 | 235UUranium | 7.0·108 y | 7/2 | -0.828(65) | 0.7204 % | |
93 | 237 | 237NpNeptunium | 2.1·106 y | 5/2 | 9.63(30) | - | |
94 | 239 | 239PuPlutonium | 24.11·103 y | 1/2 | 3.080(61) | - | |
94 | 241 | 241PuPlutonium | 14.3 y | 5/2 | -2.067(43) | - | |
95 | 241 | 241AmAmericium | 432.6 y | 5/2 | 4.878(30) | - | |
95 | 243 | 243AmAmericium | 7364 y | 5/2 | 4.635(30) | - | |
96 | 243 | 243CmCurium | 29.1 y | 5/2 | 1.22(24) | - | |
96 | 245 | 245CmCurium | 8423 y | 7/2 | 1.09(22) | - | |
96 | 247 | 247CmCurium | 1.56·107 y | 9/2 | 0.61(12) | - |